greedy implementation *1500

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Python Code:

t = int(input())

while t > 0:
    t = t - 1
    n = int(input())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))

    cnt = {}
    vals = []
    for i in a:
        if i in cnt:
            cnt[i] = cnt[i] + 1
            cnt[i] = 1

    gold = cnt[vals[0]]
    silver = 0
    p = 1
    while silver <= gold and p < len(vals):
        silver += cnt[vals[p]]
        p += 1

    bronze = 0
    while bronze <= gold and p < len(vals):
        bronze += cnt[vals[p]]
        p += 1
    while p < len(vals) and 2 * (gold + silver + bronze + cnt[vals[p]]) <= n:
        bronze += cnt[vals[p]]
        p += 1
    if 2 * (silver + bronze + gold) > n or gold >= silver or gold >= bronze:
        print("0 0 0")

    print(gold, silver, bronze)


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